Golf Australia

Aligning golf clubs to the National Strategy of Australian Golf.

SAPA has been engaged as a strategy partner for Golf Australia, assisting various golf clubs around the country in developing their strategic plans aligned to the National Strategy of Australian Golf from 2022-25.

This strategy, designed by golfers, for golfers, outlines a clear vision for the future of golf and a growth plan for the sport. Whether it’s a competitive 18 holes, hitting the driving simulator with a friend over a few beers or mini golf with the family, the goal is to encourage more Australians to play golf more frequently, aligning with the belief that golf is a sport for everyone and anyone can be a golfer.

However, for the strategy to work, there needs to be alignment with key stakeholders, including the clubs and facilities across Australia. SAPA works closely with the clubs around the following 4 stages of the strategic planning process:

  • Research and data collection through stakeholder surveys, club capability data and 1-1 meetings with key stakeholders.
  • Facilitation of a strategy building workshop with key stakeholders.
  • Delivery of a strategic plan for the club that is aligned to the National Strategy of Australian Golf.
  • Partnership action plan and ongoing strategic review.


SAPA most recently worked with Aston Hills Golf Club in Adelaide, South Australia.